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News / Success Case Success Case

Success Case – constellr GmbH

Post from 6. June 2024
Success Case

constellr GmbH offers customised solutions for Land Surface Temperature (LST) Monitoring

About the constellr GmbH

Founded in 2020, constellr GmbH offers customised solutions for land surface temperature (LST) monitoring. Their vision is to drive responsibility in tackling climate change. For example, they support food security through precise smart farming solutions with global reach. Constellr uses data from its own satellite fleet together with public resources to generate precise and up-to-date data sets using beyond-visual imaging technology.

Data for precise environmental analyses

The reliability of constellr’s results allows values on vegetation, soil quality, water levels, CO2 levels and industrial activities to be determined with unrivalled efficiency. The high-resolution data sets provide one of the most significant sources of information on the state of our planet at competitive prices. The knowledge gained from constellr’s thermal intelligence systems is of particular benefit to companies in the agricultural industry, who can, for example, better predict periods of drought.

Taking international initiatives

Heat data in urban centres also helps to create new initiatives in urban planning.

Thanks to the brilliant vision of the founding trio Christian Mittermaier, CFO; CEO Dr Max Gulde and CTO Marius Bierdel, Constellr is active on five continents and has built up a team of ambitious team players with office hubs in Munich, Freiburg, Berlin, Liège and Brussels.

Thanks to Inspiralia, constellR has been awarded the BSFZ seal for their innovative research and development. With this seal, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research’s Certification Body for Research Grants (BSFZ) recognizes companies that achieve special technological progress with their R&D activities and therefore receive this funding.

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We are delighted to be able to work with such exciting and innovative companies and to help them realise their sustainable visions.

Here’s to a successful, shared future and further steps towards sustainability!

Successful with Inspiralia, among others

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